Provincial Home and School News

Home & School News, September 2024


🍎 Drive slowly! Watch for students on the road

Another school year begins Sept. 5. Students will walk, cycle, or ride to school on a bus or in their family cars. This is a strategic time to remind all motorists that children can get to school and back home safely with awareness and education. Which school does your child attend?  Can they ride a bus? Find out more on the Public Schools Branch’s School Bus Planner.


🍎 Update your Local Home and School Contacts
Are you still the President? Treasurer?  If not, send current contact info to the Federation office.             Presidents - Submit the local Home & School Association contact details using the new Google Form. Click here: Home and School Association Contacts.    Treasurers - Submit 2024-2025 Membership fees to the PEIHSF office by November 1st.  Send e-transfers to  OR  mail a cheque to PEIHSF PO Box 1012 Charlottetown PE C1A 7M4


🍎 "Meet the Teacher"

"Meet the Teacher" evening sessions are planned for parents to meet their child's teacher and teachers to meet parents at the beginning of the school year. It's an informal opportunity to chat, say hi, and become acquainted with your child's teacher.  Find the date/time on your child's school website.


🍎 What is Home and School's role in education? Is there volunteer training available?

Experienced facilitators Vicki Bryanton and Stephen Gould will lead Volunteer Training Workshops as follows:

Monday, Nov. 4, Ellerslie Elementary School, 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Nov. 5, Eliot River Elementary School, 6:30 p.m.

Register by email:    By:  November 1st/2024

These sessions will equip you with practical knowledge of how volunteers can effectively collaborate with school staff and support their school, benefiting all students! 


🍎 What's on your Home and School agenda? 


REMEMBER: Everything parents and teachers do benefits PEI students' education and well-being! 



Shirley Smedley Jay

Executive Director

PEI Home and School Federation 

PO Box 1012 Charlottetown PEI C1A 7M4

902-620-3186 / 902-218-8916


FB: PEI Home and School Federation